
Re-inventing Fitness and Sporting experience on mobile during the Pandemic.

Infectious diseases remain an ever-present threat to the health and safety of the global community. Its effect on the multibillion-dollar sports tourism industry was greatly felt; most sporting events were either canceled or postponed during the peak of the pandemic because of COVID-19 containment measures across the world, such as travel bans (Local and International) and port closures.

In 2021, Lagos City Marathon, An annual marathon race event faces the risk of being postponed due to the fast spread of the covid-19 Pandemic across the globe. Every element of sport was affected, from athletes, teams, and leagues, to sponsorships, sports retail, hospitality, and media coverage. The challenge of providing alternative sporting Rules, conditions, and facilities Emerged, hence the need for the Solution.

In 2021, Finerge was created to reduce the spread of COVID-19, Finerge having to be a virtual marathon smartphone application, it provided a means where thousands of individuals can participate in the Lagos City Marathon from different locations. With the use of Finerge virtual marathon smartphone application, participants can also monitor their in the virtual race. Finerge provided a whole new way of making marathon races easier and avoiding the spread of COVID-19.

Research with Intent

With the project time constraints, Agile design methods and guerrilla testing were adopted to speed up the design and development process of the project
To dive further into the problem I began with a competitive analysis of Fitness apps to evaluate their functionality and their overall goal. I discovered that most apps focus on preprogrammed workouts and exercise and the process of creating a such flow can be difficult and frustrating. This helped me to validate and better understand the direction we were headed.
I also focused more on doing a literature review to generate a list of best practices, which can be used as a heuristic framework for auditing the design or parts of a UI for the App, to help validate decisions faster, Running tests with colleagues granted the opportunity to uncover a range of usability issues, while saving a great deal of valuable time.

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Deep dive in to solution

Onboarding is one of the most crucial areas of mobile app UX that just has to be done right. It’s the front line of your overall app experience and everything from adoption, engagement, and retention can be positively impacted by a smooth onboarding experience. thus it was crucial to creating a smooth and easy onboarding for the Finerge APP

Building scalable navigations

With Finerge we understood that building scalable navigation systems is essential for modern applications that require seamless and efficient movement between various screens, pages, or sections. hence we built one to enhance user experience, improve usability, and facilitate effective information flow within the application.

Marathon Race

The App featured and timed the 42KM Virtual Marathon, allowing users to partake in the Access Bank Lagos City Marathon routes regardless of their location.
By utilizing the App, users gained access to a variety of possible 42KM routes in their vicinity, regardless of the city they were in. This feature enabled them to compare and contrast their chosen route with the official ABLCM route.
Throughout their participation in the marathon, users received timely Notifications as they reached each significant landmark along the actual ABLCM route. This feature served as a helpful prompt, ensuring users stayed engaged and informed during their virtual marathon experience.

Building an in-App Store

As part of our project, we have been specifically requested to create an in-App Store that will serve as a platform to facilitate the sales of merchandise related to the competition. The primary objective is to boost the overall sales and encourage healthy competition among the participants.

Other features
  • Zumba Dance, Yoga & Cycling

  • User Training

  • Race Features

  • Meal Plans

  • Weight management programs

Project takeaway

This project challenged me to strike a delicate balance between achieving design perfection and accomplishing business objectives. While I acknowledge that the design may not be flawless, it effectively resolves the problem at hand. Given the time constraints, I prioritized usability over aesthetics, ensuring a functional solution that meets the needs of the users and aligns with project goals.

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Re-inventing Fitness and Sporting experience

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See case study

Finerge —

Re-inventing Fitness and Sporting experience

See case study

See case study