
Stewards: Financial Ecosystem for schools across Africa
Many schools across Africa face significant financial management challenges. Fragmented payment processes and inefficient fee collection systems make it difficult for them to align fee collection with parents' pay cycles, leading to financial instability and administrative burdens. These issues distract schools from their primary mission—providing quality education.

Stewards recognized these challenges and set out to create a solution that would streamline and centralize financial operations for schools. They aimed to develop a high-fidelity prototype that could automate payments, invoicing, reconciliation, and overall financial management. The challenge was to design a platform that was not only secure and easy to use but also flexible enough to meet the diverse needs of educational institutions, regardless of their size or complexity.
As the sole designer for Stewards, I was responsible for creating a platform that is both easy to use and effective, combining great user experience with practical design.

Designing Steward's platform was challenging. It involved understanding the platform's goals and features, while also solving the specific problems faced by schools across Africa.

I led the UX work, crafting all major deliverables and presenting them to stakeholders. My focus was clear: create a platform that empowers schools to streamline their financial operations.

With an expertly designed platform across web  and mobile app,  The results spoke for themselves:
  • Platform adoption surged by 70% within six months of launch.
  • User satisfaction scores jumped by 85%, according to feedback surveys.
  • Administrative processing time for schools was cut by 40%, freeing up staff to focus on education.
  • Financial stability for schools improved, with a 60% increase in timely fee collections.
  • Over $500k in funding for more than 100 schools across Nigeria and Uganda.

Financial services for schools across Africa



The Challenge: Centralizing Financial Operations for Schools
Identifying the Financial Struggles of Schools
Stewards recognized that schools across Africa were facing significant financial management challenges. Studies have shown that fragmented payment processes and inefficient fee collection systems are common issues for educational institutions in the region, aligning fee collection with parents' pay cycles has been a persistent challenge, leading to financial instability and administrative burdens . These hinder schools from focusing on their core mission of providing quality education.
Streamlining and Centralizing Financial Operations
To address these problems, Stewards set out to create a solution that would streamline and centralize financial operations for schools. The goal was to develop a high-fidelity prototype that could automate payments, invoicing, reconciliation, and overall financial management. The challenge lay in designing a platform that was not only secure and easy to use but also capable of handling the diverse needs of educational institutions of varying sizes and complexities.
The Solution: Empowering Schools with Comprehensive Financial Tools
To solve this challenges, a platform that offered multiple payment options, payroll management, and salary advances was proposed . This would help schools automate their financial processes, improve liquidity, and ultimately achieve greater financial stability. The vision was to create a trusted platform that schools across Africa could rely on to manage their finances efficiently, enabling them to grow and thrive.


Financial services for schools accross Africa


Market & User Research
Adopted a user-centric design approach, conducting extensive research to understand the financial challenges faced by school administrators, teachers, and parents.

Using a lean methodology with rapid prototyping and user feedback, I simplified complex financial processes.

Transparency and collaboration were crucial, and I used experience mapping to visualize and enhance the user journey, ensuring the platform was intuitive and user-friendly.
Minimizing Pain Points, Amplifying Benefits
Our key priority was to focus on primary user goals, such as fee collection, payroll management, and revenue tracking. We stripped the platform to its core, ensuring that it was easy to use and provided a seamless experience for users.Our research informed the design requirements for the platform. I focused on creating a simple and efficient user interface that would make it easy for schools to manage their finances. We prioritized features based on user needs, ensuring that the platform provided real value to schools.
Design system
Due to the urgency of the project, an existing design system had to be swiftly refactored to meet accelerated timelines while aligning with Steward's brand requirements. This involved adjusting the typography to reflect the brand’s tone and ensuring readability across all devices. The color palette was updated to emphasize clarity and consistency, reinforcing Steward's visual identity. These changes were crucial in maintaining brand integrity and delivering a cohesive, visually appealing user experience that resonated with Steward's values.
To enhance the user experience and bring the platform's features to life, I created custom illustrations for each core aspect of the product, as well as for various miscellaneous features. These bespoke illustrations were designed to visually represent and simplify complex concepts, making the platform more intuitive and engaging for users.
The onboarding process was designed to be straightforward and user-friendly. I prioritized clear communication of requirements to ensure that users understood each step without confusion. 

By breaking down the process into manageable parts and providing concise instructions, the onboarding experience was seamless, helping users get started with the platform quickly and with confidence.
Account Verification
The Account Verification page was designed with a focus on simplicity and user guidance. I structured the process into easy, step-by-step stages that gently nudge users to provide the necessary information. To enhance the user experience, I incorporated the option to skip less critical details, allowing users to complete the verification process efficiently without feeling overwhelmed. This approach ensured a smooth onboarding experience, encouraging higher completion rates.
Overview Page
The Overview page is designed to give school administrators a clear, real-time snapshot of their financial status. It consolidates key information such as incoming and outgoing payments, pending invoices, and overall cash flow into an easily digestible format. This gives schools quick assess to their financial health, and help them make informed decisions to manage their resources more effectively.
The loans (Income Advance) tracking page is designed to help users keep tabs in a clear and organised manner.  I incorporated a clear repayment tracking system within the platform, allowing schools to monitor their outstanding loans and manage repayments without any hassle. Important due dates highlighted, ensuring schools are reminded of upcoming payments.  

Repayments can easily be monitored on the payment history tab which offers a detailed past transaction and repayments logs. to manage Loan breakdowns easily Interests Accrued and any other associated fees for late repayments are properly presented giving  a full size overview of their Loans
The Steward platform includes a robust student management system that centralizes and organizes all student-related data, from personal information to academic records. By assigning unique student codes, the system ensures that schools can easily track and manage individual student details, maintaining accurate and accessible records.

In addition to managing student information, I designed the platform to handle class management efficiently. Schools can organize class rosters, schedules, and teacher assignments seamlessly, which streamlines the daily operations and enhances the overall academic experience for both students and staff.

The student management module is also integrated with the payment system, allowing schools to set up and manage fee structures tailored to different classes and student categories. This integration ensures accurate fee assessment and simplifies the collection process, reducing administrative burdens and allowing schools to focus more on education.
In designing Steward’s payment management system, I focused on consolidating all financial transactions—both inflows and outflows—into a single, unified flow. This included creating a comprehensive dashboard where schools could manage tuition fees, donations, operational expenses, and other financial activities, streamlining oversight and control.

To ensure financial security and accountability, I implemented permission levels and approval workflows, allowing only authorized personnel to access or approve significant transactions. I also developed an income advance feature that provides schools with short-term financial support for operational costs, along with a payment rectification system to handle transaction errors and ensure accuracy.

While we initially planned to include a full payroll system, we decided to postpone this feature to a future version to focus on refining the core payment functionalities for the platform’s initial release.
School Licensing
While making school management and operations easier, particularly in the area of school licensing. The platform streamlines the entire process, guiding schools through document submission and compliance checks, eliminating the complexities of paperwork and legal procedures.

Initially, We focused on document submission and progress tracking, but after gathering user feedback, we added automated compliance checks to further reduce administrative burdens. This improvement ensures that all necessary documents meet local regulations, making the approval process smoother and more efficient.

By simplifying school licensing, The systems enabled quicker approvals and reduced administrative strain, allowing schools to focus more on their core mission—providing quality education.
Parent Platforms
As part of the broader Steward platform, we recognized that parents often struggled with managing school payments, leading to missed deadlines and confusion. To address this, I designed a dedicated parent portal that centralizes all payment-related information. The first version of the parent portal included a centralized dashboard and detailed payment history, providing parents with a clear overview of all upcoming, due, and past payments.

Iterative Improvements:
Based on user testing and feedback, we added payment notifications to alert parents of due dates and successful transactions, as well as scheduled payments, allowing parents to plan and automate their payments in advance.

The integration of the parent portal into the Steward platform significantly improved the payment experience for parents, leading to higher on-time payments and reduced administrative work for schools. Parents found the platform intuitive and efficient, enhancing their overall satisfaction and contributing to the financial stability of schools.
Super Admin Dashboard
With the need for  comprehensive management of product data,  to ensure that all aspects of the platform are functioning correctly and efficiently.

The Lighthouse Super Admin dashboard was designed as a powerful tool for Steward's relationship managers, enabling them to efficiently manage the schools registered on the platform. Through Lighthouse, relationship managers can oversee and assist with various administrative tasks, including approvals, account management, and resolving any issues schools may encounter. The dashboard was crafted with a focus on ease of use, providing a comprehensive view of each school's status and allowing for quick, informed decision-making to support smooth operations across the board.
Testing with Users
I conducted usability testing to evaluate the platform and identify areas for improvement. This helped refine the user interface and address any issues that users encountered. Feedback from testing was invaluable in ensuring that the platform met the needs of our users.
Success metrics
I conducted usability testing to evaluate the platform and identify areas for improvement. This helped refine the user interface and address any issues that users encountered. Feedback from testing was invaluable in ensuring that the platform met the needs of our users.
  • 1500+ Screens Delivered Across Platforms: I meticulously designed over 1500 screens for web applications, mobile apps, and websites, ensuring a cohesive and comprehensive user experience across all platforms.
  • Centralized School Management System: I designed and implemented a comprehensive system that includes a centralized dashboard and payment history, providing clear insights into financial activities. This system also features robust tools for managing student data, class management, and fee structures, ensuring efficient record-keeping. Additionally, I developed functionalities for income advances, loans, and credit management, empowering schools to maintain financial stability and manage cash flow effectively. The initial release also included a streamlined school licensing module that simplifies the registration process, eliminating the complexities of paperwork and legal procedures. A payroll system was planned for this suite but will be deferred to a future version.
  • Parent Platform : Based on user testing and feedback, I introduced parent platform that help provide Ward details, payment notifications and scheduled payments, significantly enhancing the platform’s functionality for parents.
  • Lighthouse Super Admin Dashboard: I developed the Lighthouse Super Admin dashboard to empower Steward's relationship managers in effectively managing and supporting schools.
  • Design System Refactoring: I refactored the design system to accelerate the workflow on the project, ensuring consistency and efficiency across the extensive design deliverables.
  • Custom Illustrations and Motion Design: I enhanced the project with custom illustrations and motion designs, skills I developed and refined specifically during this project.
  • Accessibility and Usability Testing: I conducted rigorous testing to ensure the platform is accessible and user-friendly, meeting the diverse needs of its users.
Product Impact
Since its launch, Stewards has made a significant impact on schools across Africa. The platform has been endorsed by several schools and has helped countless establishments streamline their financial operations. Stewards has enabled schools to align fee collection with parents' pay cycles, automate payroll management, and track revenue growth.

Key metrics:
  • Over 100 schools funded
  • Approximately $500k total funding
  • Available in Nigeria and Uganda, with more regions coming soon
What next?
In the next phase, I will focus on developing the payroll and school employee salary advance systems, further enhancing the financial tools available to schools. Additionally, I plan to improve the parent platform to ensure it continues to meet the evolving needs of families. These future enhancements will solidify Steward's position as an indispensable tool for schools across Africa, enabling them to manage their operations with even greater efficiency.
The measurable impact of my work is evident in the significant improvements in financial stability and administrative efficiency for schools across Africa. I am proud to have designed a platform that not only simplifies financial operations but also empowers schools to focus on their core mission of providing quality education. Stewards is now a trusted growth partner for educational institutions, making a real difference in the lives of educators and students across the continent.

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